Sunday, April 27, 2014

Still waiting...

So, this wait time is dragging by. I think I'm going to look for a part time job tomorrow since I'm truly not sure how much longer this wait will be and while I saved a substantial amount of money to hold me for a couple months, we're hitting the 2 month period already and I really don't want to dip into my savings past the 2 month mark.

I've been feeling a little uninspired lately. I'm someone that loves going to work and having a purpose and so without it, life just feels like it's dragging. I plan on changing that tomorrow. I'm going to spend the first half of the day giving myself a girl's day. I desperately need a haircut and blowout, etc. I used to do things like that almost weekly. Sounds high maintenance, but it was a perk I gave myself that always left me happy and confident. I'm not dating or hanging out with friends a lot because I just feel blah, but really, it's a state of mind that I need to fix. I did go to Jacksonville last week to visit an old friend and I need more weekends like that.

Anyways, didn't mean to ramble. I figured since I'm in such a lull and I'm really looking to kickstart my life again, i'd declare it on here. Hopefully next time I post I will have a lot more positive news !!

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